Ep 10: Stigma of Mental Health in the Asian Community

Different communities understand and talk about mental health in different ways. In some communities, mental health problems are rarely spoken about and can be seen in a negative light. This can discourage people within the community from talking about their mental health and may be a barrier to engagement with health services. 

Today’s guest is pioneering in a her field. She’s tackled the idea of mental health through fitness. You may have seen her on the Metro or the BBC. I’m delighted to have Nazia Khatun (most commonly known as Fitness Reborn UK on her instagram) When she is not empowering your health and mind, she is a member of the comedy collective, The Halalians. I sit down with Nazia to discuss the below:

  • Why do you think it’s such a big issue in our community?

  • Are our communities catching up in regards to mental health like other communities?

  • Growing up fitness was cropped tops and yoga pants and a particular type of body…why was this important to you to reshape this image?

  • Who would you say within your field do you look up to? 

  • Why do you think fitness is the way to combat Mental health?

  • Do your client’s come to you looking for PT and you also help their mental health too or are they coming for both?

  • Have you ever encountered any pushback in what you do?


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