Does prejudice exist in the Workplace?

It’s easy to assume that other people experience the world the way we do. More specifically, it’s very easy for Caucasian managers to assume that their colleagues of colour face the same basic set of challenges they do. On one level that’s true: The work itself is the same. Brown managers have to make their numbers, motivate employees, hire and fire, and plan for the future. But on another level, these managers frequently contend with an atmosphere of tension, instability, and distrust that can be so frustrating they lose the desire to contribute fully or do their best work; they may even drop out altogether. I'm joined by Miriam and Nasser to discuss: 

  • what extent does prejudice affect the modern day workplace

  • pub culture

  • Why we hate the phrase BAME

  • Why diversity is not the same as inclusion

  • What is and can be done to have a more inclusive workplace

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Building Better Brown leaders


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